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Coloplast Wound Care is committed to continuously support you

Your healthcare professional has assessed that your wound is being treated with Biatain® Silicone and is appropriate for self-care. Of course, you will still receive ongoing support from your healthcare professional until the wound has healed. However, caring for the wound yourself can improve your understanding of your condition and confidence managing it, as well as your quality of life and the convenience of your care.

On this website, you can read tips on how to self-care for your wounds including video guides on how to apply and remove your Biatain Silicone dressings.

Hand washing guide

Headline text

Headline text


Be sure to follow this step-by-step hand-washing guide carefully before beginning any dressing change.

Removing all dirt and contaminants from the skin before changing a dressing is extremely important. By following the correct method of hand washing, you ensure that bacteria are removed from the hands and will not get into the wound.

How to clean your wound before applying a new dressing

Read the following instructions carefully before changing your dressing, and follow the below steps in chronological order.


1. Wash your hands according to the hand-washing guide (see the above section) and dry them well.

2. Make sure to have a clean space (e.g. a clean towel) on which to place the fresh products, and to have everything you need to do the cleansing and dressing change.

3. If you are wearing a dressing that must be removed, remove the old dressing and place it in the trash.

4. Once again, wash your hands according to the hand-washing guide and dry them well.

5. Place all necessary dressings on a clean surface (e.g. a clean towel) nearby, but wait with opening any products until you are done cleaning the wound and ready for application.

Cleaning your wound

6. Put on disposable gloves if available.

7. Wet a gauze pad with water, or prepare a saline pad.

8. Gently clean the wound: Start at the centre of the wound. Dab in circles out to 2.5cm (1 inch) past the edge of the wound. Do not wipe or rub, as this may damage the wound. Do not begin cleaning at the outer edges of the wound. This may spread bacteria over the wound area.

9. Gently pat the wound dry with a piece of dry gauze or clean towel.

How to apply Biatain Silicone

Click below to watch a video guide on
how to apply and remove Biatain Silicone dressing.


This guide is also available as printable material that you can download.

Is your wound progressing towards healing?

If your wound is not progressing
as expected, one of the reasons
may be that it has become


Click below to learn more about
what signs to be aware of, if
your wound is becoming


Frequently asked questions

Below are some of the general questions regarding self-caring for your wounds that we often receive. For further product information, please see the Instructions for Use leaflet, which is included in the dressing box, or consult your local healthcare professional.

Can I shower with my dressing?
Yes you can. Biatain Silicone has a waterproof topfilm, which allows you to shower with the dressing on. Both before and after the shower, make sure that the dressing is in place and that the silicone border adheres to the skin.

How long will it take for my wound to improve?
Healing time will depend on the size and type of your wound, as well as your general health. It is important that you follow the treatment and advice prescribed by your healthcare professional.

How often will my dressing have to be changed?
Biatain Silicone dressings can be worn for up to 7 days, depending on how much fluid is coming from the wound and the clinical judgement from your healthcare professional. Please see the “How to apply Biatain Silicone” page.

Will dressing changes hurt?
Some people may experience slight discomfort during dressing changes, specifically during the cleansing of the wound, depending on the type and position of the wound. If you are feeling any discomfort when changing your dressings, please contact your healthcare professional. They will be able to give you further advice.

How to care for your wounds - print out

Click below to download a booklet,
containing the summary of
information provided in this
website on how to care for your

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