Coloplast’s donation programme Access to Healthcare just signed a contract with the World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) about a new healthcare project in India. The project aims to improve treatment of diabetic wounds.
"Every single day, 110 Indians have a foot or part of their leg amputated due to diabetic foot ulcers, and an unknown number die before they are even diagnosed” says Per Ole Nielsen, Project Manager of Access to Healthcare.
Training in diagnosis and care of diabetic wounds is essential to reduce this figure.
“With the right knowledge, treatment may be deployed rapidly and the wound may heal in time, avoiding an amputation - that is why education projects like this are so important," says Dr. Arun Bal, Founder President of the Diabetic Foot Society of India, who as local partner applied for support to drive the project.
Dr. Anil Kapur, Managing Director of the World Diabetes Foundation and Chairman of the Access to Health Care Donation Board agrees.
“It only costs three US dollars to educate a diabetes patient so he will be able take care of his feet and prevent foot ulcers, whereas it costs an estimated 650 dollars to amputate a limb and another 524 dollars for a limb prosthesis. Costs like these put people into lifelong indebtedness” says Anil Kapur. “We are proud to support this project together with Coloplast, and we hope our joint funding will improve the quality of life for poor and disadvantaged people suffering from foot ulcers and foot complications.”
As part of the project, the Diabetic Foot Society of India will train 2,280 healthcare professionals in modern wound care treatment supported by Access to Healthcare and the World Diabetes Foundation.
The wound care project is one of three projects that we operate in India. The other two projects are also educational projects – one about ostomy care and the other about spinal cord injuries (see facts). All projects are designed to increase doctors and nurses' knowledge of treatment and care of taboo and neglected diseases within wound, ostomy and continence care.
“Coloplast develops products and services for people with personal and private medical conditions. These conditions are treated well in the western world, but in developing countries, like India, they hardly get any attention. The knowledge level is low, and the consequences for these people are large,” Per Ole Nielsen ends.
National Wound Care Training Workshops
When: February 2010 – July 2012
Where: India
Who: Applicant: Amrita Institute of medical Sciences/Diabetic Foot Society
- World Diabetes Foundation
- European Wound Management Association
When: February 2010 – July 2012
Objective: To create a better environment for people living with chronic wounds. The training of doctors and nurses will take place in workshops at selected hospitals in 11 out of India’s 27 states. Money for the project is donated by Access to Healthcare/Coloplast and WDF.
Results: 2,880 medical professionals will be trained in modern wound management practice and concepts and a national cadre of wound care workers/specialists will be founded. The aim is to reduce the number of foot amputations by 10 % from 2010 and to create awareness among patients about the importance of early and proper treatment of chronic wounds.
National Stoma Care Nursing Education Program Where: India
Who: Applicant: International Ostomy Association (IOA)
- World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET)
- Association of Surgeons of India (ASI)
When: February 2010 – January 2013
Objective: iIncrease the level of knowledge and strengthen the skills and experience within stoma care. We aim to improve patient’s quality of life by providing professional stoma care management and reduce the chances of ostomy complications. This will increase the status and recognition of stoma care nurses in India.
Results: 4,500 nurses will complete a theoretical online stoma care education programme and a total of 1,400 nurses will be educated in stoma care both in theory and practice.
Spinal Cord Injury workshop
Where: India
Who: Applicant: Spinal Cord Society – Indian chapter
- International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS
- Asian Spinal Cord Network
- World Health Organisation
When: 1 October 2010 – 3 October 2010
What: A 3-day workshop on the basic principles of SCI-management before the ISCOS Annual Scientific Meeting
Objective: In India, approximately 1.5 million people live with a Spinal Cord Injury. Every year 10,000 new cases are added to this group (Source: Spinal Cord Society).
The project aims at raising awareness about and drive progress for people living with spinal cord injuries,
Results: Healthcare professionals will be trained in spinal cord injuries. The participants will raise awareness about SCI in their local environment.