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Why is my pelvic floor weak and what are the signs?

Why should I train my pelvic floor muscles? Did you know that a lot of men suffer from urinary incontinence? One thing you can do to regain continence is to train your pelvic floor. Learn more

Why should I train my pelvic floor muscles?

Pelvic floor exercises should be practised by all men from puberty onwards to prevent problems developing later in life. If your pelvic floor muscles are weak you will have a greater tendency to leak urine or have problems gaining or maintaining your erection.

If you have had surgery in the urinary tract pelvic floor self-training is complimentary to the exercises you are doing with your physiotherapist. These easy exercises will help you regain urinary incontinence.

Certain situations contribute to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles:

  • Surgery for bladder and bowel problems e.g. radical prostatectomy
  • Constipation
  • Being overweight
  • Heavy lifting
  • Prolonged coughing associated with e.g. bronchitis.
  • Not being fit

A sign of weak pelvic floor muscles is that you experience leak of urine when you e.g. exercise, cough, laugh or sneeze. This is called stress incontinence.

Another sign is that you leak urine before reaching the toilet. This is called urge incontinence.

If you experience stress incontinence you will benefit from training your pelvic floor


What are the pelvic floor muscles?

How to locate and train my pelvic floor muscles?

Training my pelvic floor muscles

Training my pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor exercises should be performed on a daily basis. Perform these exercises.... Learn more

How do I train my pelvic floor muscles?

The pelvic floor exercises should be done on a daily basis and can be done lying down with knees bent, sitting or standing. Perform these exercises once a day to regain continence.

Below you will find some useful instructions:

  • Squeeze and draw in the muscles around the urethra and rectum. You should have a sense of “lift” when squeezing. You should hold them strong and tight as you count to 8 after which you should let go and relax for 8 seconds. At this point you should have a distinct feeling of letting go
  • This schedule should be repeated between 8-12 times per day
  • If you initially cannot hold the pelvic floor for 8 seconds you should hold as long as you can.

Note that training your pelvic floor muscle is a matter of how long you can hold squeeze rather than the number repetitions.

You should also include breathing exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles

  1. Lay down and breath out
  2. Keep your abdomen flat and push your loin to the floor.
  3. Think to squeeze as if trying to stop passing gas
  4. Roll to the side while continuing to both squeeze and breathe out.
  5. Go back in upright position and slowly relax the muscle

Tips to remember my pelvic floor training?

It is important to get into a daily routine and the easiest way to accomplish this is to link it to something that you do on a daily basis. Remember that training the pelvic floor does not take a lot of time. Below you can find some inspiration as to when and where you can train your pelvic floor. The situation may vary depending on how comfortable you are with the exercises, but could be whilst;

  • Laying in bed before you sleep
  • After meals
  • Before or after undressing yourself in the evening
  • Sitting in your car on your way to or from work.

It is not important where you do it but that you get to do it on a daily basis. Therefore you should find the everyday situation that fits you the best.

Locating my pelvic floor muscles

Locating my pelvic floor muscles

Before initiating your pelvic floor training you need to find out how to locate these... Learn more

How do I locate my pelvic floor muscles?

Before initiating your pelvic floor training you need to find out how to locate these so that you are sure that you are training the right muscles

Tips to locate the pelvic floor muscles

  1. Sit or lay down with your thighs and buttocks relaxed. Without squeezing your buttocks try to squeeze as if trying to stop passing gas. Now relax and repeat to make sure that you have found the right muscle.
  2. When going to the toilet to pass urine, try to stop the stream and start it again. Notice which muscles that helps you do this. It is important that this should only be done once a week to secure bladder functionality.

If with the above exercises, you do not feel a distinct lift or squeeze of your pelvic floor muscles, you should consult your doctor or another healthcare professional, as they can help you locate the muscle.


What do I also need to consider becoming continent again?

What do I also need to consider becoming continent again? To regain continence you could consider the following advice: Learn more

What do I also need to consider becoming continent again?

To regain continence you could consider the following advice:

  • Drink regularly throughout the day. To avoid the bladder from filling too quickly.
  • Await the urge to void before going to the toilet and gradually increase the intervals between voiding.
  • If you suffer from urinary incontinence during the night reduce your fluid intake during the evening.
  • Avoid constipation by eating fibres and vegetables.
  • If you are overweight you might benefit from losing weight as it will decrease the pressure on the bladder.

What if I continue to suffer from urinary incontinence?

Managing urinary incontinence

Managing urinary incontinence

If you continue to suffer from urinary incontinence you should talk with your physiotherapist, urologist or general practitioner.

Learn more

Managing urinary incontinence

If you are looking for an alternative to pads you should learn about urisheath and urine bags. A sheath is worn over the penis and connected to a bag worn on the leg. Coloplast offers a wide range of urisheaths and bags that can be suited to your needs.


Have your pelvic floor training paid off - Take the test

For you to stay motivated it is important to keep track of your progress.

Take the test
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Take the incontinence burden test.

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For you to stay motivated it is important to keep track of your progress. We recommend that you take the test and get feedback in your mailbox.

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Result 1

Congratulations your efforts in training your pelvic floor muscles has been successful.

To remain continent it is advisable that you continue to train the pelvic floor in the future. 

Result 2

Keep up the good work training your pelvic floor as this is essential in you regaining continence. 

Be aware that if you have trained more than a month without experiencing progress in your continence symptoms, or if you are very bothered with your urinary incontinence a urisheath and bag is a viable alternative or supplement to absorbent products:A urisheath that is worn over the penis and connected to a bag worn on the leg.

Coloplast offers a wide range of urisheaths and bags that can be suited to your needs

Result 3

Your test indicate that you are somewhat burdened by your urinary incontinence. Depending on how you are managing your urinary incontinence today, this can be changed with very little effort.

If you are using pads you could consider trying urisheaths and associated bags.

A urisheath that is worn over the penis and connected to a bag worn on the leg.

Coloplast offers a wide range of urisheaths and bags that can be suited to your needs.

To get an understanding on the principles please take a look:

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