Morten Sommer, 34 years old living with his wife in Copenhagen, Denmark. He works as an IT Project Manager.
Morten’s story
In 1996, Morten got his first racing bike – it was the beginning of a lifelong passion for cycling. He was a part of the Danish elite for a couple of years, and has been participating in several national championships as well as foreign state races.
In 2000, he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and was medicated every day for eight years in order to contain the disease. In 2008, there was no way back and Morten went through surgery resulting in an ostomy. This led to a short break from cycling and racing, but in 2011 he returned.
Now, he is participating in triathlons all over the world. He says: I see IronMan as the ultimate challenge because of my previous illness. And I want everyone to know that a bag is not the end.’